通过对山东地震台网记录的2022年1月8日门源MS 6.9地震原始波形进行分析,测算出88个测震台站的MS、MS7、MS(BB)等3种面波震级,并与中国地震台网速报和青海区域地震台网编目测定结果进行对比分析。结果表明:①山东地震台网测定门源MS6.9地震的面波震级MS、MS7、MS(BB)分别为7.20、7.16、6.96;②MS(BB)震级的测定方法简单,不同台站之间的偏差较小,一致性较好,适合在地震台网的地震速报中使用。这与震级国家标准GB 17740—2017的规定相一致。
Based on the analysis of the original waveform of Qinghai Menyuan M6.9 earthquake on January 8, 2022 recorded by Shandong seismic network, we calculated the MS, MS7 and MS(BB) surface wave magnitudes of 88 seismic stations, and the results are compared with those cataloged by CENC and Qinghai regional network. The results show that: ① The MS, MS7 and MS(BB) of Qinghai Menyuan earthquake on January 8 measured by Shandong network are 7.20, 7.16 and 6.96. ② The method for MS (BB) magnitude determination is simple, and the deviation between different stations is small, and the consistency is fine. It is suitable for the rapid earthquake report of seismic network, and this is consistent with the provisions of the national standard on earthquake magnitude (GB 17740—2017).
2022,43(4): 1-7 收稿日期:2022-02-09
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