采用云南省地震局3个有人值守国家测震台和5个无人值守国家测震台记录到的2021年11月25日圣克鲁斯群岛MS 6.0地震波形,运用测震学分析方法,对此次地震进行分析,提出其常见震相的一般性特征,并且重点总结了PKPPKP震相的特征,以免误将该震相分析为1个新地震的P波,分析结果表明PKPPKP震相在震中距约为70°时明显。
The MS 6.0 earthquake of Santa Cruz Islands on November 25, 2021 is recorded by 3 National manned seismometers and 5 national unattended seismometers of Yunnan Earthquake Agency. By using the seismological analysis method, this paper analyzes the earthquake, puts forward the general characteristics of the common seismic phases of the earthquake, and focuses on summarizing the seismic phase characteristics of PKPPKP to prevent the seismic phase from being wrongly analyzed as the P wave of a new earthquake. The analysis results show that the seismic phase of PKPPKP is obvious near the epicentral distance of 70°.
2022,43(4): 23-34 收稿日期:2022-04-01
作者简介:陈阳(1980 —),男,专科,工程师,主要从事测震分析工作。E-mail:27363555@qq.com
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