2019年5月,昌黎地震台地电场观测连续多日出现漏电干扰,依据地球物理异常核实工作要求,从观测系统、自然环境、地球物理场、场地环境等方面进行了调查。在对多种因素逐一分析无果后,在测区附近做野外方向性实验重点排查,逐步缩小排查范围,最后发现在台站东偏南7°约3.78 km处,1家加工厂漏电作业,这导致地电场观测数据发生了畸变。
In May 2019, there was continuous multi-day leakage interference in the geoelectric field observation of the Changli Seismic Station. According to the requirements of the precursory anomaly verification work, the staff conducts investigations from the observation system, natural environment, geophysical field, site environment, etc. After analyzing a variety of factors one by one to no avail, we focus on field directional investigations near the measurement area, and gradually narrow the scope of investigation. Finally, it was discovered that at a location of about 3.78 km 7°south east of the station, there was a leakage operation phenomenon in a factory, which caused distortion of the geoelectric field.
2022,43(4): 41-50 收稿日期:2021-01-08
作者简介:周剑青(1977 —),男,工程师,现主要从事地震监测工作。E-mail:605496695@qq.com
*通讯作者:郭建芳(1977 —),女,高级工程师,现主要从事分析预报工作。E-mail:gjfzyy76@sina.com
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