A new method based on mobile enterprise wechat alarm is proposed for the frequent instrument failures in deformation observation of stations. The traditional way of relying on the station staff to log in to the website and check the working status of the instrument is improved, and a realizable and operable design idea and specific implementation process is provided. The design framework not only solves the problem that data collection and alarm information cannot be sent due to internal and external network cutting in the industry, but also solves the problem of missing deformation observation data and failure to alarm in time caused by frequent network faults, power failure, crash, over range and other emergencies of station instruments for a long time. Programming using Python language to collect real-time measurement data, and pushing the results to the designated enterprise WeChat after logical operation, and then the project realized the instrument fault alarm, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing data loss.
2022,43(4): 194-199 收稿日期:2021-03-30
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