All three component observations of the geoelectric resistivity at Wanghong in Yinchuan have a reverse annual variation characteristic of high values in summer and low values in winter. The annual variation range is about 1%. In order to study the influence factors and physical mechanisms of the annual variation of resistivity observations in Wanghong, the main influence factors were determined through correlation analysis and multiple linear regression, and then combined with the influence coefficient theory and the numerical simulation of the annual variation of the geoelectric resistivity observations, the physical mechanisms for each influence factor were analyzed. The results show that the annual variation of the resistivity in Wanghong is mainly caused by the seasonal change of the resistivity of the thin layer of the earth surface, which is greatly affected by temperature and water level; the influence of air pressure is not obvious. It is also closely related to the underground electrical structure of the site area.
2022,43(5): 71-78 收稿日期:2022-04-07
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