The continuity and reliability of observed data are determined by the operation status of instruments at seismic stations, and the operation and maintenance management of stationsisa basic guarantee for normal operation of the instruments. This study introduces the concept of situational awareness (SA) to station operation management. Based on the technology of Internet of Things (IoT), the studybuildsan intelligent station architecture installs and deploys necessary sensors or smart devices collects data of power, meteorology, and security. Combinedwith geographic information of stations, the study builds up necessary anomaly indicators. Combined with deep learning, the study develops the situational awareness system for seismic station monitoring for daily maintenance and management of stations. Compared with traditional station operation and maintenance management system, the operation and maintenance management system based on SA can effectively improve work efficiency and plays a positive role in station operation and maintenance management.
2022,43(5): 213-219 收稿日期:2022-03-20
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