2022年1月8日青海门源县发生MS 6.9地震,利用谐波分析方法和大地电场优势方位角方法,对震中300 km范围内地电场台站的观测资料进行分析,并结合构造物理学相关结论以及2016年门源MS 6.4地震进行相关解释和对比分析,结果发现:①震前半年左右,地电场开始出现振幅异常增大现象,但不同台站的异常表现形式亦有所不同;②距离震中越近的地电场台站越容易观测到异常现象,主要表现为优势方位角出现方位偏转、突跳范围增大或收窄等异常现象,可能与台站下方岩体裂隙结构发生变化有一定关联;③通过与2016年门源MS 6.4地震的异常结果对比,发现2次地震优势方位角的异常形态有较大不同,分析认为可能与2次地震震中位置的地质构造,震源机制以及发震断层的属性有一定关系。
On January 8, 2022, an MS 6.9 earthquake occurred in Menyuan County, Qinghai Province. In this paper, theobservation data of geoelectric field stationswithin 300 km of the epicenterare analyzed by using the method of harmonic analysis and the dominant azimuth of geoelectric field. And combined with the relevant conclusions of tectonophysics and the Menyuan MS 6.4 earthquake in 2016, the related interpretation and comparative analysis are carried out. The conclusions are as follows:①About half a year before the earthquake, the abnormal amplitude of the geoelectric field began to increase, but the abnormal manifestations were also different in different stations;②The closer the geoelectric field station is to the epicenter, the easier it is to observe abnormal phenomena,which aremainly manifested as the deflection of the dominant azimuth, increase or narrowing of the sudden jump range. These phenomena may be related to the changes in the structure of rock fracture structureunder thestations;③Compared with the abnormalresults of the Menyuan MS 6.4 earthquake in 2016, we found that the abnormal shape of the dominant azimuth of the two earthquakes isquite different. It may be related to the geological structure, the focalmechanism and the properties of the seismogenic faults of the two earthquakes.
2022,43(6): 30-40 收稿日期:2022-03-21
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