2021年11月30日西藏双湖MS 5.8地震发生后,西藏自治区地震局立即组织专家及其他相关工作人员前往震区开展应急考察工作。通过对震区13个点位实地考察,并结合西藏自治区地震局绘制的地震烈度图与获得的震源机制解、郭祥云等获得的震源机制解,分析了震区受灾情况。结合该震区房屋抗震能力,认为本次地震中受灾房屋绝大多数为土木结构,未采取房屋抗震加固措施,建议今后房屋构建中应采取抗震加固措施。
After the Shuanghu MS 5.8 earthquake in Tibet on November 30, 2021, the Earthquake Agency of the Tibet Autonomous Region immediately organized experts and otherstaff to carry out the emergency investigation in the earthquake area. Combined with the field investigation of 13 points in the earthquake area, the seismic intensity map drawn by the Earthquake Agency of Tibet Autonomous Region and the focal mechanism solution obtained by Guo Xiangyun and the others, the disaster situation was analyzed. Based on the seismic resistance capacity of buildings in the earthquake area, it is considered that most of the buildings affected by the earthquake are civil structures without seismic reinforcement measures. It is suggested that seismic reinforcement measures should be taken for buildings in the future.
2022,43(6): 61-66 收稿日期:2022-07-28
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