为了分析锡林浩特地震台背景噪声变化特征,选取2019—2021年锡林浩特地震台三分向连续波形数据,使用基于P Welch方法的软件,计算地动噪声功率谱密度值、噪声有效值RMS、有效观测动态范围等地脉动参数,并在不同频段、不同时段下对台基背景噪声变化特征进行对比分析。结果表明,锡林浩特地震台背景噪声存在明显的日变特征,年变特征不明显。台基条件为Ⅰ级,背景噪声测量范围下限接近皮特森模型的NLNM。总体上,背景噪声功率较低,有效观测动态范围稳定,地震监测能力、数据可靠性处于正常水平。
In order to analyze the variation law of background noise characteristics of Xilinhot Seismic Station, this paper selected the three-direction continuous waveform data at Xilinhot Seismic Station from 2019 to 2021, and used the software that based on P Welch method to calculate the ground motion noise power spectral density, effective noise RMS and effective observation dynamic range of Xilinhot seismic station, and the variation characteristics of background noise level in different frequency bands and different time periods are compared and analyzed. The results illustrate that the background noise of Xilinhot platform shows obvious diurnal variation characteristics, but not obvious annual variation characteristics. The base condition is level I, and the lower limit of the measurement range of background noise is close to the NLNM of Peterson model. The background noise power is low, the effective observation dynamic range is stable, and the seismic monitoring ability and data reliability are at the normal level, which is conducive to seismic observation.
2023,44(1): 83-91 收稿日期:2022-07-21
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