The intelligent management system for the operation and maintenance of the Shanxi Seismic Station Network has enabled link monitoring through the use of multi-thread ping to monitor the IP addresses of the stations.Additionally, and the system continuously monitors the reception status of real-time data streams using a flow server connected to the JOPENS system, and automatically generates fault logs when necessary. Once the maintenance personnel have filled in the log, the system can automatically determines whether a seismometer or data collector replacement is necessary, and identify the corresponding instrument response based on the new instrument type and serial number. The system then updates the relevant station parameters in the JOPENS system accordingly. In order to ensure the quality of the station noise, the system acquires continuous waveform data from the station and applies a series of steps, including data preprocessing, acceleration power spectral density (PSD) estimation, and acceleration power spectrum probability density (PDF) estimation, to implement station noise quality monitoring.
2023,44(1): 120-127 收稿日期:2019-11-07
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