The fundamental purpose of the socialization of operation and maintenance for seismic observation equipment (hereinafter referred to as “SOM”) is to introduce social resources to join in and offer better services. Through investigation, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the SOM for seismic observation equipment and its requirements of combining with the division of regions and authorityand points out the existing problems of SOM, then puts forward improvement actions and suggestions on upgrading equipment technology level and strengthening the system and standard construction. The suggestions include gradually improving the technical standards of seismic observation equipment, promoting the standardized modular design, improving equipment interchangeability, and reducing operation and maintenance difficulty and cost investment; Establish a sound system of regulations of SOM in four aspects: market access, responsibility division, performance evaluation, and supervision and management.
2023,44(2): 180-185 收稿日期:2022-6-7
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