According to the measurement principle of the fluxgate theodolite and the relevant mathematical methods, the instrument difference comparison model of the fluxgate theodolite based on the near zero method and the zero pointing method was established by analyzing and introducing a variety of systematic factor variables, and based on this model, the GUM method was used to evaluate the uncertainty of the actual data. The results show that the model is practical and can replace the traditional comparison model of geomagnetic networks in China. Meanwhile, with the help of this model, the measurement uncertainty can be reduced by the following methods:The number of measurements N should be controlled within the optimal range; the relative recording instrument should be erected scientifically and reasonably to achieve the best verticality and orientation of Z-axis, and the period with the minimum daily change should be selected for measurement; grasp the long-term change characteristics of the instrument correction coefficient and improve the calibration times and quality; and keep the ambient temperature constant during the measurement.
2023,44(3): 73-81 收稿日期:2023-01-30
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