We adopted gas chromatography to test and analyze the compositions of the gas escaping from the Dagunguo Hot Spring in Tengchong, Yunnan Province, in order to establish a rapid test and analysis method for escaping gas compositions. The study found that ① For sulfide and conventional gas compositions, the gas chromatography based on the instrument conditions set in this paper has good separation efficiency, high chromatographic column, fast analysis, and no trailing peak for the escaping gas compositions.② The gases sampled by the gas bag made of aluminum foil are fully displaced, abundant, and representative. ③ Removing the moisture from the gas samples in advance helps to improve the stability of the instrument and the analytical accuracy of the gas composition. And the service life of the chromatographic column is prolonged. ④ It is necessary to test the stability of the instrument. The standard deviation of the peak area of the gas compositions is less than 5%, and the instrument has good repeatability, meeting the demand for the analysis of escaping gas compositions. ⑤ The normalized analysis is used for the quantitative analysis of escaping gas compositions. The standard deviation of the test values is between 0.01% and 3.2%, indicating a good test method, good precision, and good repeat ability of the instrument.
2023,44(3): 160-167 收稿日期:2022-08-08
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