In order to improve the continuity and reliability of Heilongjiang Seismic Network system, the historical fault data of 31stations from 2018 to 2021 were collected, and the fault causes, types, duration and proportion of the integrated seismic system and subsystems were analyzed through calculating parameters such as R(t) and MTBF. The reliability of communication, power supply, seismic and integrated system is 0.78, 0.91, 0.82 and 0.51, respectively, and the average single maintenance cycle of each subsystem, the proportion of failure duration and the mean time between failures of the integrated system are also obtained.The results show that the main factors affecting the continuous rate of the network are the low reliability and frequent faults of the Heilongjiang Seismic system, the long time of external communication faults, and the long maintenance cycle of the seismic system. In terms of time, the system faults are less in winter and more in summer.
2023,44(4): 119-129 收稿日期:2023-02-27
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