漫湾、小湾水库地震监测台网大部分台站于2015—2016年间相继停止工作,经多次论证,于2019年对两台网共18个台站进行优化及恢复重建。经过对地震台站及中心机房设备的优化更换和恢复观测改造,水库地震台网共13个台站的运行率均达95%以上,水库监测区地震监测能力下限达到ML 0.3,监测能力优于恢复重建前水平。漫湾、小湾水库地震监测台网的恢复重建,提高了监测区水库地震监测能力,对防震减灾事业发展及民生安全保障工作起到重要的推进作用。
In 2015-2016, most stations of Manwan and Xiaowan reservoir seismic monitoring networks stopped working one after another. In 2019, a total of 18 stations of the two networks were optimized, restored, and rebuilt. After the optimized replacement and restoration of the equipment of the seismic stations and the central computer room, the operation rate of the 13 stations in the reservoir seismic network is over 95%, and the lower limit of the seismic monitoring capability of the reservoir monitoring area is up to ML 0.3, the monitoring capability was better than that before restoration. The restoration and reconstruction of the seismic monitoring network of Manwan and Xiaowan reservoirs have improved the seismic monitoring capability of the reservoirs in the monitoring area and play an important role in promoting the development of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction and the security of People's livelihood.
2023,44(5): 37-43 收稿日期:2022-06-07
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