Since November 2020, multiple sets of deformation observation instruments at the Nanshan Seismic Station in Panzhihua, as well as the VP broadband vertical pendulum at the Dilongjing and Malanshan seismic stations, have produced solid tide distortion during the same period. The specific manifestations are: the change period is the same; the duration of distortion is not fixed; compared to the EW direction, the NS direction has greater interference. Analysis suggests that the distortion is caused by changes in the load on the Jinsha River. We select deformation observation data from three stations and use wavelet analysis and comparative analysis to explore the impact of changes in river water levels on deformation observation loads. The results show a correlation between the distortion of solid tide observation and the variation of outflow flow at the Jinsha Hydropower Station in Panzhihua, that is, the variation of outflow is positively correlated with the time and amplitude of solid tide distortion. There is a significant correlation between the outflow flow of the reservoir and the tidal distortion of the observed data, and the interference amplitude is positively correlated with the relative position of the seismic station and the Jinsha River, as well as the change in outflow flow. This result can provide a reference for daily data tracking, analysis, and interference elimination of deformation stations along rivers and banks.
2024,45(2): 119-129 收稿日期:2023-08-29
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