为评估实时智能地震处理系统(RISP)在内蒙古测震台网运行的可靠性,以2020年3月30日和林格尔ML 4.5地震前后30天内该区发生的31条地震事件为研究对象,将人工编目与实时智能地震处理系统产出结果(自动目录)进行对比分析,得出以下结论:RISP系统识别事件数量约为人工识别数量的2.5倍,其中自动目录有30条与人工目录(31条)相匹配,事件召回率高达96.8%;自动目录在发震时刻、震中位置、震级、P波和S波震相到时方面,与人工目录偏差较小。由自动目录与人工目录结果对比可知,2种目录相同事件的编目结果基本保持一致,震中偏差一般在±10 km范围内,发震时刻一般在±2 s范围内,自动目录基本符合人工编目误差范围要求。综合来看,实时智能地震处理系统(RISP)产出结果符合预期目标,可为震后快速产出余震序列、震群趋势判断等相关科学研究提供数据支撑。
To evaluate the reliability of the Real-time Intelligent Seismic Processing System (RISP) in the operation of the Nei Monggol seismic network, 31 earthquake events occurred in the area within 30 days before and after the Helinger ML 4.5 earthquake that occurred on March 30, 2020, were taken as the research object. The results of manual cataloging and real-time intelligent seismic processing system output (automatic cataloging) were compared and analyzed, and the following conclusions were drawn: The number of events identified by the real-time intelligent seismic processing system (RISP) is about 2.5 times that of manual identification. The automatic catalog matches 30 events from the manual catalog, and the event recall rate is as high as 96.8%. The automatic catalog has a smaller deviation from the manual catalog in terms of the time of earthquake occurrence, epicenter position, magnitude, and P and S phase arrivals. By comparing the results of automatic and manual catalogs, it can be seen that the cataloging results for the same event in both catalogs are consistent, with an epicenter deviation generally within the range of ±10 km and an earthquake occurrence time generally within the range of ±2 s. The automatic catalog basically meets the requirements of the error range for manual cataloging. Overall, the output results of the Real-time Intelligent Earthquake Processing System (RISP) meet the expected goals and can provide data support for scientific research such as rapid post-earthquake aftershock sequences and earthquake swarm trend judgment.
2024,45(2): 158-163 收稿日期:2022-10-12
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