依托北京延庆地区地震监测能力提升项目,北京市地震局在延庆地区建设宽频带地震观测台阵,组成延庆宽频带地震监测台网。该台网由39个地震观测点位组成,台站间距约5 km。该台网建成后,该区地震监测能力由ML 1.2提升至ML 0.1,可为首都圈地震研判和突发事件的快速反应及处置提供数据支撑。此密集台阵从勘选到建成历时4年,对建设、实施过程中的问题和经验进行总结,可为后期北京地区台站建设和其他密集台阵建设提供参考。
Relying on the project of improving the seismic monitoring ability in Yanqing, Beijing, the Beijing Earthquake Agency built a broadband seismic observation array in Yanqing to form the Yanqing broadband seismic monitoring network. The network consists of 39 seismic observation stations with aninterstation distance of about 5 km. After the completion of the network, the seismic monitoring capability in this area has been improved from ML 1.2 to ML 0.1, which can provide data support for earthquake research and judgment and rapid response and disposal of emergencies in the capital circle. This dense array took four years from survey and selection to completion. The problems and experiences in the construction and implementation process are summarized, which can provide a reference for the construction of stations and other dense arrays in Beijing in the later period.
2024,45(2): 189-193 收稿日期:2023-11-14
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