计算额肯呼都格地震台测震和强震连续观测数据背景噪声,对地震观测数据PDF进行分析,发现强震观测数据存在异常干扰。对受干扰数据进行噪声功率谱(Power Spectral Density,PSD)、噪声功率谱概率密度(Probability Density Function,PDF)分析,缩小干扰源范围,并进行现场排查,判定强震观测数据异常由电源干扰所致。将市电断开后,观测数据恢复正常。清理数据采集器和强震计接地线,并更换线缆,重新供电后观测数据噪声明显降低,再次计算数据PDF并进行傅里叶变换,结果均无异常。
After calculating the background noise of seismic measurement and strong earthquake continuous observation data at Ekenhuduge Seismic Station, and analyzing the Power Spectral Density (PDF) of seismic observation data, we found there were seismic waveform interference.Power Spectral Density (PSD) and Probability Density Function (PDF) of the disturbed data were analyzed to narrow down the range of interference sources and conduct on-site investigation. It is concluded that the anomaly of strong earthquake observation data is caused by power interference. As soon as the mains disconnected, the data returns to normal. After cleaning the ground wires of the data collector and the strong seismic gauge, replacing the cables, and re-powering the power supply, data noise was significantly reduced. We calculated the PDF again and performed Fourier transform, the results were all normal.
2024,45(3): 94-99 收稿日期:2023-10-13
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