基于吉林省地震预警台网数据,充分考虑地震预警的时效性要求,利用地震预警的最小震级评估方法,系统评估该预警台网的地震预警最小震级,并对该省预警首报时间进行分析。结果表明:①吉林省地震预警台网的地震计、强震仪、烈度仪背景噪声水平依次增大;②强震仪、烈度仪单网以及地震计—强震仪—烈度仪三网融合可预警地震最小震级均高于地震计单网,三网融合后,吉林全省95%区域可预警地震最小震级为ML 4.4,预警监测能力明显优于烈度仪单网;③吉林地震预警台网首台触发后首报时间平均约5.4 s,震后首报时间平均约10 s。本研究结果可为吉林省地震预警台网布局优化及地震预警能力提升提供参考依据。
Based on the data of Jilin Province earthquake early warning network, the minimum magnitude of earthquake early warning network is evaluated systematically and the first warning time of Jilin province is analyzed by using the minimum magnitude assessment method. The results show that: ① The background noise levels of the seismometers, strong seismometers, and intensity meters in Jilin early warning station network increase successively. ② The minimum earthquake magnitude which is predicted by the integration of the three networks of strong seismometer, intensity meter and seismometer is higher than that of the single seismometer network. After the integration, the minimum earthquake magnitude is ML 4.4 and can be predicted in 95% area of Jilin province, and the early warning monitoring ability is obviously better than that of the single network of intensity meter.③ The average time for the first report after the first station’s alarm is 5.4 s, and the average time for the first report after the earthquake is 10 s. This study provides a reference for optimization the layout of the early warning station network and improvement of the early warning capability in Jilin Province.
2024,45(3): 174-180 收稿日期:2024-01-09
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