Using the solid tide data recorded by the digital water pipe inclinometer, we analyzed the stability, observation accuracy, and various parameters of the instrument. The results indicate that the accuracy of the water pipe inclinometer observation data at Guzan Station is better than that at Xiaomiao Station. In the observation of inclined water pipes, in order to reduce human interference (such as natural environment, instrument failure, etc.), measures can be taken to shorten the operation time of instrument maintenance, zeroing, and calibration as much as possible. Usually, the duration of abnormal observation data before an earthquake is relatively short, which has little impact on the stability of the data, but can significantly change the annual variation pattern of the observation data. When there are anomalies in the observation data, it is necessary to carefully verify the anomalies according to the process to identify the pre earthquake anomalies.
2024,45(4): 52-61 收稿日期:2024-2-28
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