In order to explore whether the water storage change of Shuangfengsi reservoir will produce topographic changes, this paper studies the correlation between the water storage data and the VP broadband inclinometer data of the Chengde Seismic Station in 2020 and 2021. By calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between the 8 o’clock data of the broadband tiltmeter at the Chengde Seismic Station and the reservoir impoundment change, and building the load model, the topographic changes caused by the reservoir impoundment were obtained. The results show that the impoundment of Shuangfengsi reservoir has little influence on the daily curve trend of broadband tiltmeter at the Chengde Seismic Station, and there is little correlation between them; the impact of changes in water storage load on broadband inclinometer data is not significant, and the results of the two-dimensional load model and the three-dimensional load model tend to be consistent.
2024,45(4): 75-82 收稿日期:2024-2-28
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