选取乌加河地震台2021年9月至2022年12月记录的全球570个4.0≤MS≤7.9地震事件,重新测定面波震级,与中国地震台网中心发布的地震目录进行对比分析,统计发现,乌加河地震台面波震级偏大,二者平均震级偏差为-0.134。分析震级偏差与震级、震中距、方位角的关系,发现震级范围在MS 4.0—4.9的地震,震级偏差较大;60°≤Δ<105°为震中距最优区间,震级偏差最小;在NW方位,震级偏差最大,在NE方位,震级偏差最小。
A total of 570 4.0≤MS≤7.9 earthquakes recorded by the Wujiahe Seismic Station from September 2021 to December 2022 were selected to re-measure the surface wave magnitude and the results were analyzed by comparing with the seismic catalog released by the China Earthquake Networks Center. The relationship between magnitude deviation and magnitude, epicenter distance, and azimuth angle was analyzed, and it was found that the magnitude deviation of earthquakes with a magnitude of MS 4.0-4.9 was large. 60°≤Δ<105° is the optimal range of the epicenter, and the magnitude deviation is the smallest. In the NW direction, the magnitude deviation is the largest, and in the NE direction, the magnitude deviation is the smallest.
2024,45(5): 40-44 收稿日期:2024-5-6
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