Since the observation in 2014, the observation data of the Qiongzhong geoelectric field has been interfered with for a long time, with the interference duration ranging from several hours to more than ten hours each time, and the interference amplitude ranging from tens of mV/km to thousands of mV/km. The observation curve shows a sudden jump or step. The data availability is reduced. Based on this, the natural environment, observation device, host, site environment, and other aspects are investigated one by one. The method of long and short polar distance ratio interference source positioning is used to determine the interference source causing the data step change, to solve the problem that the data can not be used due to the leakage interference in a fixed period of the station and improve the reliability of the data. The analysis results can provide a reference for the electromagnetic interference investigation of other stations.
2024,45(5): 98-106 收稿日期:2024-4-9
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