基于四川地震台提供的地震目录,以2013年4月20日雅安MS 7.0、2014年11月22日康定MS 6.3、2022年6月1日芦山MS 6.1、2022年9月5日泸定MS 6.8地震为例,采用最大似然法,对川西地区中强地震进行b值时空扫描,分析地震前后b值异常特征,结果表明:①4次地震发生前一段时间内,孕震区附近地震活动性相对平静。②研究区b值时间扫描结果显示:b值分布在0.553—1.134,平均值为0.879,4次地震发生前,b值均处于低值状态,震后呈上升趋势;震前震源区b值均在平均值以下,且均呈下降—低峰值—上升的异常特征。
Based on the earthquake catalog provided by the Sichuan Seismrc Station, the maximum likelihood method was used to conduct b-value temporal and spatial scanning of moderate and strong earthquakes in the western Sichuan and analyze the b-value anomaly characteristics before and after the earthquakes, such as Ya’an MS 7.0 on April 20, 2013, Kangding MS 6.3 on November 22, 2014, Lushan MS 6.1 on June 1, 2022, and Luding MS 6.8 on September 5, 2022. The results show that:① The seismicity near the seismic-generating area was relatively calm for a period of time before the four earthquakes. ② The time scanning results of b-value show that: b-value is distributed in the range of 0.553 to 1.134, with an average value of 0.879. Before the four earthquakes, the b-value is in a low state, and shows an upward trend after the earthquakes. Before the earthquakes, the b-values of the seismic source area were below the average, and all show the abnormal characteristics of declining, low peak and rising.
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