2023年8月,西代村跨断层短水准测线3—2段测量数据呈加速上升变化,出现超阈值异常,单期数据变化幅度为2.12 mm,远大于2023年6月期0.2 mm的变化量。从观测系统、环境干扰及地震异常等展开调查,发现:①仪器运行正常,排除观测系统影响。②人为影响:场地附近无新增大型工矿和农业生产以及工程施工影响,不存在人为生产活动干扰现象。③环境干扰:研究区降雨量增大,与3—2测段近乎平行的十里河(常年断流)形成地表径流,靠近测线处积水深约1 m,采用模拟载荷变化方法,计算积水所致载荷变化量,得到约0.73 mm的载荷加载估算值,该数值比2023年8月期短水准变化量小得多,排除积水荷载影响。④地震异常:地震预测效能评估显示,R>R0,认为短水准变化是地震异常的可信度较高;采用跨断层土壤气Rn和H2浓度测量结果对异常进行验证,认为短水准加速上升变化为地震地球物理异常。2023年9月10日,在预测期内发生河南鹤壁ML 4.0地震,与此次短水准异常对应。该案例为环境干扰较大情况下短水准测项的异常判定和震情跟踪研判提供了参考依据。
In August 2023, the short leveling cross fault measurement of section 3-2 in Xidaicun showed an accelerated rise and abnormal changes exceeding the threshold. The variation amplitude of the data in a single period was 2.12 mm, which was much larger than the 0.2 mm variation in June 2023. After investigating the observation system, environmental interference, and earthquake anomalies, it was found that: ①The instrument operates normally, excluding the influence of the observation system.②Human influence: There are no new large-scale industrial and agricultural production or engineering construction impacts near the site, excluding the interference from human production activities.③Environmental interference: With the increase of rainfall in the study area, surface runoff is formed in the Shili River (which is almost parallel to the section 3-2 and has been dry all year round). The depth of accumulated water near the survey line is about 1 m. Using the irregular load simulation, the load change caused by accumulated water is calculated, and an estimated load value of about 0.73 mm is obtained. This value is much smaller than the change in August 2023, excluding the influence of water accumulation.④Earthquake anomaly: The evaluation of earthquake prediction efficiency shows that R>R0, indicating that short-term horizontal changes have a higher credibility as earthquake anomalies; The anomalies were validated using measurements of soil gas Rn and H2 concentrations across faults, and it was considered that the accelerated rise of short levels is a seismic geophysical anomaly during the forecast period, occurred a ML 4.0 earthquake in Hebi, Henan Province on September 10, 2023, corresponding to this short leveling anomaly. This case provides a reference basis for the abnormal determination of short leveling items and earthquake tracking research under conditions of significant environmental interference.
2024,45(6): 83-91
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