The China Earthquake Administration attaches great importance to the emergency service response, and entrusts the China Earthquake Networks Center to take the lead in organizing the quality assessment of earthquake emergency service response business every year, and to inspect and supervise the emergency preparedness and response of all units. In 2023, the earthquake emergency service is involved in the “Quality Evaluation Index System for Earthquake Monitoring, Forecasting, and Early Warning Businesses”, with 6 item evaluations (4 in provincial earthquake agencies and 2 in seismic monitoring center stations). In this paper, the current situation and developments of the quality evaluation of earthquake emergency service have been summarized, and thoughts and suggestions are proposed. Efforts should be made to improve the evaluation mechanism, dynamically adjust the measurement items, and provide real-time feedback and rectification, give full play to the baton role of quality assessment, and promote the quality and efficiency of earthquake emergency response capabilities of provincial bureaus and central stations.
2024,45(6): 204-209
基金项目:地震应急青年重点任务(项目编号:CEAEDEM 20240111)
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