利用丽江—小金河断裂沿线5个基岩地温观测点高精度温度数据,与同区域地震活动进行对比分析,发现1个或多个基岩地温测点数据出现异常变化后,一定范围内有发生地震的实例。结果显示:①2022年1月2日宁蒗MS 5.5地震前,基岩地温无明显异常,然而在当年4月16日宁蒗MS 4.6余震发生前,基岩地温异常明显,并伴有宏观异常;②不同构造位置,基岩温度异常幅度不同,变化模式也存在差异。沿丽江—小金河断裂,其基岩温度异常变化对断裂带沿线地区地震活动具有较好的映震效果,但也显示出异常分布的复杂性,需积累更多震例做进一步研究。
In this paper, we use high-precision ground temperature observation data of bedrock from five observation sites near the Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault and analyze them in comparison with seismic activities in the same region. We found several earthquakes occurring within a certain range, after the abnormal changes of bedrock ground temperature. The results showed that:① no obvious anomalies in bedrock ground temperature were observed before the Ninglang MS5.5 earthquake; however, after the MS5.5 earthquake and before the Ninglang MS4.6 earthquake, obvious anomalies in bedrock ground temperature were observed, accompanied by macroscopic anomalies. ② The bedrock ground temperature anomalies are different in magnitude and show different change patterns at different tectonic locations, showing the complexity of the anomaly distribution. In conclusion, the bedrock ground temperature anomalies along the Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault have a better seismic reflection effect on the earthquakes near the rupture zone, but they also show the complexity of the anomaly distribution, which needs further study with more earthquake cases.
2024,45(2): 76-83 收稿日期:2023-11-29
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